
  • A. Stadnychenko
  • O. Uvayeva
  • D. Vyskushenko


Ключові слова:

Sinanodonta woodiana, detergent, gills, glimmeral epithelium, activity


The influence of one of the most popular detergent «Ushasty nian» («Vinnitsapobutkhim», Ukraine) in concentrations of 3, 6, 12, 24, and 48 mg/dm3 on the duration and beat frequency of the glimmeral epithelium cilia of the gill apparatus of male, female and hermaphrodite Sinanodonta woodiana (Lea, 1834) specimens was investigated. The damaging effect on the viability of these mollusks, including the locomotive activity of the frontal cilia of their gill glimmeral epithelium depends on the toxic factor levels. In the toxicological study, the pathological process in mollusks shortly developed in consequent five stages in two days. At 3 and 6 mg/dm3 concentrations of detergent, the signs observed in all three categories of molluscs included in vitro increased duration of locomotion and beat frequency of the glimmeral epithelium cilia. That state of experimental molluscs corresponds with the stimulation stage of pathological process induced by toxicological poisoning. Aforementioned changes are the signs of adaptive protection process aimed to counteract the damage inflicted by the toxic substance. At 12 and 24 mg/dm3 of detergent, the molluscs quickly entered the depression stage of the pathological process. It manifests as a statistically significant sharp decrease of duration of activity and beat frequency of glimmeral epithelium cilia. At 24 mg/dm3 of toxicant, towards the end of exposure that stage was superseded by the sublethal stage. The latter is characterized by complete destruction of respiratory epithelium, maximum oedema of body tissues (especially in the foot), loss of locomotion, and almost total loss of tactile sensitivity. At 48 mg/dm3 of toxicant, the sequence of depression, sublethal and lethal stages is realized quickly.


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